Non Accredited Courses & CPD
1 Day Awareness Course for Care & Catering Staff in Nutrition, Hydration & Dysphagia.

A practical introduction course for both care and catering personnel involved in the preparation or administration of therapeutic diets within care settings. The elementary principles and practical considerations of diets for dysphagia, Type II diabetes, coeliac disease, IBS and screening for malnutrition (MUST) tool are covered.
Special considerations in dementia such as patient centred care, finger foods and high energy dense meals and the latest development in healthy eating, diet and disease and current recommendations are discussed. We make it easy to understand for staff. Also covered is the promotion of good hydration in line with Care Quality Commission (England), Care Inspectorate (Scotland) and the Regulation Quality Improvement Authority (RQIA), Northern Ireland.
1 Day Food & Nutrient Standards Update for Schools & Early Years Catering Professionals
Throughout the UK school caterers in the public sector must adhere to set food standards. In Scotland there are additionally nutrient standards which are legal requirements. Our team have extensive experience of working within the school sector and can deliver specific, tailored training for school catering staff to help implement these standards. Ideal for newer members of staff or as a refresher course. Personnel within the early years setting would benefit from this training.